Dentist in Kendall, Florida

Scaling and root planning

Poor oral hygiene and infections can cause gum diseases, which can eventually lead to tooth loss. If you have stubborn gum diseases, your dentist might suggest you scaling and root planing procedures to prevent the periodontal issue from worsening. It is one of the best non-surgical ways of treating periodontitis.

Dentist in Kendall, Florida

Periodontal maintenance cleanings

Routine dental cleaning is a preventive measure to ensure you have healthy oral conditions. During routine cleanings, plaque and tartar are removed from above your gum lines. However, chances are there that some plaque might get accumulated below your gums and form the building ground for bacteria.

Dentist in Kendall, Florida

Gum grafting

If you have receding gums, your dentist might suggest gum grafting surgery. Receding gums can expose your tooth roots, and it becomes more prone to getting decayed and sensitive. Gum grafting rectifies the receding gums by attaching a tissue in the concerned area.

Dentist in Kendall, Florida

Crown lengthening

If you have a gummy smile or excessive gingival display, crown lengthening is the right procedure to address this concern. A gummy smile refers to the conditions wherein your teeth appear shorter as the excessive gum tissues partially cover them. The crown lengthening procedure can be cosmetic,

Dentist in Kendall, Florida

Bone Grafting

Dental implants for missing teeth are a popular solution mainly because they provide artificial roots to your replacement teeth. The implants are fixed in your jawbones, and within a few months, they get bonded to provide a permanent solution.